2016年12月26日 星期一

第八篇 Samsung galaxy-note-7

We may finally know why Samsung's Galaxy Note 7s 'exploded'

After exploding phones, fireproof boxes, lawsuits and open letters, Samsung has reportedly finished its investigation into what went wrong.
It's been one of the most discussed technological failures of 2016, but as the dust settles around Samsung's recalled Galaxy Note 7 smartphone, one question remains: what actually went wrong with the phones?
Samsung may finally have the answer.
The company has, according to The Investor, ended its investigation as to what caused the flagship phones to explode and has submitted its findings to the regulatory bodies, inluding the Korea Testing Laboratory and UL, an American safety organisation.The findings have not been made public yet but third-party investigators have been investigating the cause of the phone's fires too.
A manufacturing engineering company, Instrumental, thinks it has found the error, or errors, affecting the flagship phone.
According to Instrumental's teardown of the device, the Note 7's battery didn't have enough physical room for error. Samsung made the battery thinner, removing thickness margins, meaning the separators between the positive and negative layers may have been too thin, increasing the chance of these elements touching and sparking.In addition, Instrumental pointed out that when batteries charge, chemical processes cause the lithium to migrate and the battery to "mechanically swell". Usually, around 10 per cent extra space is required to compensate for this, but the battery in the Note 7 entirely filled its pocket. This increased the risk of 'explosion'.
The design wasn't completely reckless, though. Instrumental noted that the battery sits within a CNC-machined pocket, which will protect it from being affected by other internal components. "Looking at the design, Samsung engineers were clearly trying to balance the risk of a super-aggressive manufacturing process to maximise capacity, while attempting to protect it internally," said Instrumnetal's engineers.
Structure of the Lead
Who-no given
What-exploding phones
How-Samsung has reportedly finished its investigation into
Where-no given
Why-no given
When-no given
failures  故障
flagship  旗艦
 regulatory 監管
thickness  厚度
 margins  邊距


2 則留言:

  1. It was too hard to believe that such a large company even occured this problem. When the first news was reported, I thought it just a rumor or a experiment. But a few days later, there were more explosions around the world. That shocked me a lot. But, fortunately, none of my friends used that gadget.

  2. As soon as I heard the news that Note 7 exploded, I think what a ridiculous thing. How large Samsung is!!! When one exploded, the other cellphones exploded around the world in unbroken succession. Fortunately, the people I knew didn't use those problematic cellphones.
